Wednesday 9 June 2021

Key Points To Check When Comparing Indoor Playground Manufacturers

 Opening an Indoor kids playground for the entrepreneurs involved is usually a dream but it equates as well with a big investment, more so when you are reached the point of selecting the indoor play structures.

Do you know that 60% of playground owners rue their selection of suppliers 1 year down the road? The popular method of any would-be indoor playground OKC owners will be to request at least a second offer to an alternative supplier to compare. It's then vital to compare "apples with apples".

Following is the main criteria on which you should request clarifications:

SAFETY: Does the indoor playground supplier really delivers on their promise? Most indoor playground OKC manufacturers will allege that safety is their primary concern when creating their play structures. Find out that it's not simply cheap sales talk.

Following are important points to check:

v  Is the indoor playground manufacturer associating with a certified reputed & independent control laboratory to certify material, indoor play attractions, and sites following an installation? Why is that vital?


Since a certified control laboratory will have several clients which assure its independence. If the manufacturer sums up to only 0.5 or 1% of the total turnover of the laboratory, he/she cannot put pressure to have them certify structures that fail to conform 100% to the norms. If the manufacturer is one of the big clients of the laboratory, it makes it much harder to resist the pressure. Remember, if an accident occurs, your responsibility engaged to if your playground is not 100% in conformity.


v  Second reason is that the sector of indoor playground OKC being still in infancy - the norms can be deferred to "interpretations". A reputed laboratory keeps its credibility intact while certifying a playground and will avoid taking a risk. Hence, it will apply the highest standards which in turn provides you with more "peace of mind" as a manager regarding the safety of your play structures.

Necessary Safety Certificates -A point that will ameliorate your interactions with local safety committees or commissions OR else turn them into a nightmare. Ask this question - Can manufacturers provide certificates valid in your area?

Obviously, some states have regulations that are stricter than others –Oklahoma for example. Can the manufacturer provide evidence that they comply with these stricter norms when they apply? Make that sure.


These are important points that owners of future indoor playgrounds must check when comparing manufacturers.

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